When did you first realize you wanted to become a Writer/author?
Only a few years ago.
– before that I was busy making career in the private sector and then five years ago I moved from Europe to the US, opened a speaker/coaching company and was inspired to write my first book. That first book later morphed into the desire to try my hands on fiction.
Where do you get your ideas for your book?
I find inspiration all around me.
It’s snippets of conversations, things I read, and situations from my own life.
What kind of things do you enjoy when not writing?
Hiking with my friends, reading, and most of all spending time with my family.
How many books have you written? Which is your favorite?
On March 27th 2017 my tenth book is released. My first book came out on March 22, 2016 so that’s ten books in my first year as an author.
I can’t say which book is my favorite. That’s like asking a mom which of her children she loves the most. All my books are special to me. Some of them makes me laugh more than the others, some of them are deep and touches my heart. Some of them are just amazing company.
Do you have any suggestions to help others who have a passion for writing?
Yes, don’t for one second believe that there is a “right” way to write a book. Only listen to “expert” advice that resonates with you. I don’t plot, I don’t follow a certain way of writing, and I don’t even care what genre label you put on my books. I’m not here to copy someone else’s success, I’m here to find my unique voice and style, and I can only do that if I don’t listen to all the warnings and the “good advice”.
Try to look at your talent for writing as if you’re baking a brownie. Everybody loves brownies so even if you think it’s not going to be the best brownie in the world, let us taste it! Don’t be a greedy bastard and eat the whole thing yourself.
What do you think makes a great story?
When I can’t stop turning pages because I’m invested in the story. When I forget that I’m reading a book and I’m able to see everything in my mind.
To me a great story does that!
And personally, I prefer a story with a fast pace, and strong dialogue.
Which Writer/Authors inspire you?
I don’t have a favorite author. I read between fifty and hundred books a year and learn from every author. Remember, you learn as much from people you don’t want to be like as you do from people you admire.
For instance, I’ve learned to show not tell from authors who bored me to death with long descriptions.
What are you working on at the moment?
A series of books set in the future. All my books have romance and happy endings, but they also raise questions or moral and makes the reader reflect on their own life. My readers say that my books are emotional roller coasters because they make you both laugh and cry.
What genre are your books?
My books are hard to label as each book in a series is very different.
The Slave series I would call romantic suspense/romantic drama
The Clashing Colors series is quirky contemporary romance/romantic comedy/chick lit.
What drew you to the genre you write?
I don’t write a specific genre, so I can’t answer your question. I write about strong women and what happens when the people we’re attracted to happens to be the last person we want to be attracted to.
In the Clashing Colors series the first book is about the clash between a goth rebel who likes to break all rules and a military hero who likes to give orders. The second book is about a scientist who only believes in things proven with hard data and a psychic medium who follows her intuition and sees dead people. The third book is about a vegan and a carnivore who can’t agree on anything.
You see a theme, right?
Which Actor/Actress would you like to see portraying the lead character from your most recent book? (any book you like)
I honestly don’t know and I haven’t thought about it, but it would be so much fun to be part of the casting.
Do you write full-time or part-time?
Full time and then some! Writing ten books of around 100,000 words a year takes a lot of time.
What is the hardest thing about writing?
That I have to stop and leave my bubble to go make dinner, do laundry, and interact with my family. Once I’m in the zone, I just want the world to leave me alone and let me finish. It’s not much different than reading a fantastic book and being disturbed. I can relate to authors who escape to some small cottage in the woods to focus. Still, I would miss my family too much.
Any tips on how to get through the dreaded Writer’s block?
Go for a walk, meditate, dance… The brightest ideas come when you’re doing something other than writing. I’ve never had a writer’s block and that’s what I do when I need inspiration. It works for me.
Do you read much, and if so who are your favorite Authors or genres?
Yes, I read a lot. All sorts of sub-genres of romance but I don’t have a favorite author.
Is there anything else you would like to add that I haven’t included?
I would like readers to understand how important they are to authors. I never sat down and wrote reviews before. Nor did I write a message to let the author know how much I loved their work.
Now, I cherish every message, review, and comment I get from readers and I always take time to answer each one personally. Authors write books in solitude, so the contact to readers makes a huge difference. I have a review group that has named themselves “Peer’s Peeps” and it’s my favorite place on Facebook. The members are generous, kind, funny, and super supportive as a community. It’s my cozy corner. My point: If you love a book – leave a review. It’s like tipping a waiter for a great meal.
How can Readers discovery more about you and your work?
The best place to go is my website where I give away two of my books as a welcome gift. It’s a way for new readers to get a taste of my writing. http://elinpeer.com/
Otherwise – you can get an overview of my books on Amazon
Thank you very much for taking the time out of your busy schedule to take part in this interview
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