When did you first realize you wanted to become a Writer/author?
I wrote a lot from a young age because I had all these ideas in my head that felt like they would make a good story. My Grandad wrote too so it was always encouraged. But a few years ago, Kensington Gore approached me and asked to read one of my novels. I’ve since published three books with them.
Where do you get your ideas for your book?
Sometimes it’s a song that triggers an idea, other times it’s because I want to watch a particular type of movie and can’t find anything that fills the need. Or I might hear a conversation or someone shares an idea and I start thinking ‘what if…?’
What kind of things do you enjoy when not writing?
I love watching movies and TV shows, reading, and baking. Taking a ride on the North Yorkshire Moors Steam Trains is also a favourite or visiting animal farms and parks.
How many books have you written? Which is your favorite?
I’ve written 3 novels and have featured in several compilations. I’m not sure I have a favourite, sometimes it’s Skin Side Out because it felt like something entirely new for me and other times it’s The Soul Game for it’s complexity and what it put me through to get to the end.
Do you have any suggestions to help others who have a passion for writing?
Know that the more you write the better you will get. Learn from others but don’t spend all your time learning and no time writing. Take risks.
What do you think makes a great story?
A good story arc with believable people. Once you make them believable they can do anything you want them to.
Which Writer/Authors inspire you?
Stephen King, J.K. Rowling, Terry Pratchett, J.T. Edson, Andy McNab.
What are you working on at the moment? (optional)
I’m currently working on a script for a horror movie. It’s something I’ve wanted to do for a while.
What genre are your books?
Horror. With a splatter of supernatural, and a dash of ill-fated romance.
What drew you to the genre you write?
I sort of fell into it. I started out writing fantasy novels but their dark sides just screamed horror so I made the transition. Now I can’t get enough of it.
Which Actor/Actress would you like to see portraying the lead character from your most recent book?(any book you like)
Oh wow, good question. I think Matt Ryan who played Constantine in the series, would make a great Mike (The Soul Game). Mike is a very powerful demon trying desperately to live as a human.
Do you write full-time or part-time?
I write full time but it’s not always novel writing.
What is the hardest thing about writing?
Being willing to let go of a story that isn’t going anywhere. You’ve created these characters and brought them to life but they’re just not making enough bad decisions. Sometimes you have to shove them in a drawer, sometimes the shredder.
Any tips on how to get through the dreaded Writer’s block?
Movies, and TV shows in the same genre you’re writing are great. But music and doing something physical -whether that’s exercise or housework- gets your brain to stop thinking so hard about what’s blocking you. Then as you concentrate on your physical task your brain works out the problem for you. Eventually you’ll get a little spark of inspiration, leave the duster on the mantelpiece, and go back to the keyboard.
Do you read much, and if so who are your favorite Authors or genres?
I go through phases where I read a lot and easily get through a novel in a few days. Other times I’ll take months to read one book, not through any fault of the novel or the writer. I love horror, action, and fantasy. A recent find was called The Bear and the Nightingale, a fairytale for grownups. I just loved the imagery and I read it in about three days.
Is there anything else you would like to add that I haven’t included?
You can find me on twitter here, I’m fairly active on their and follow most people back: https://twitter.com/AuthorKTMcQueen
How can Readers discovery more about you and your work? (please provide proper links)
This is my blog: http://katetrinity.co
Amazon UK: http://amzn.to/2m8bQHy
Amazon US: http://amzn.to/2mtHi6A
Thank you very much for taking the time out of your busy schedule to take part in this interview
Thank you for having me - K.T. McQueen
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