Wednesday, 22 March 2017

My Interview with Author Leah Hamrick

When did you first realize you wanted to become a Writer/author?

Well, one day I was just sitting there, thinking: “I really want to write a book”

Where do you get your ideas for your book?

From things that have happened in my life.

What kind of things do you enjoy when not writing?

I enjoy reading, listening to heavy metal music, eating, and bullshitting with my friends LOL

How many books have you written? Which is your favorite?

I have written quite a few, and I have done a lot of short stories. I personally prefer Frost on my Pillow over any of them. I really relate to my characters, and they’re the ones that talk to me all night long, screaming at me to keep writing.

Do you have any suggestions to help others who have a passion for writing?

EDIT! That is the most important thing. I don’t know how many times an agent or publisher told me they couldn’t accept my book because of shoddy grammar.

What do you think makes a great story?

When it feels as though you are right in the story along with the characters. Also, when you keep wanting to stop reading, just to prolong the experience♥

Which Writer/Authors inspire you?

Jennifer Armentrout, hands down.

What are you working on at the moment?(optional)

The second book to Frost on my Pillow

What genre are your books?

Usually paranormal romance.

What drew you to the genre you write?

I love reading it, so I decided to create my own stories in the same genre.

Which Actor/Actress would you like to see portraying the lead character from your most recent book?(any book you like)

Frost on my Pillow: 
Ethan: Nick Robinson 
Rylan: Jeremy Irvine
Lyla: (I couldn’t choose. But the person needs to be sensitive, and very special)

Do you write full-time or part-time?

Whenever I get the chance. Sometimes I go a whole week without writing.

What is the hardest thing about writing?

Writer's block.

Any tips on how to get through the dreaded Writer’s block?

No. If you have any that I haven't already heard, pass them on.

Do you read much, and if so who are your favorite Authors or genres?

I love Jennifer Armentrout. Anything by her.

Is there anything else you would like to add that I haven’t included?

How can Readers discover more about you and your work?(please provide proper links) 
My Twitter Handle is: @kookycharacters
Facebook author page:

Thank you very much for taking the time out of your busy schedule to take part in this interview 😊

1 comment:

  1. I love your replies, Leah. Witty, short and incisive. My kinda girl :*
