- When did you first realize you wanted to become a Writer/author? When I was in 8th grade. I actually started writing with a couple of friends and we would exchange our stories and make notes. Fun times.
- Where do you get your ideas for your book? The first book in my series, Family Fortune, was inspired by stories of the town I live in as told to me by one of the oldest residents back when I was a teenager. She told me about her mother and grandmother and their lives and how she was a school teacher during the Great Depression.
- What kind of things do you enjoy when not writing? Reading, exploring my area, crocheting
- How many books have you written? Which is your favorite? So far, I’ve completed three books. I’m working on getting the second one ready to submit to the publisher right now. I should have it to them by the 15th.
- Do you have any suggestions to help others who have a passion for writing? Just do it! Use the BIC method. Just talking about it is not going to make it happen, you have to sit down, get your Butt In Chair, and write.
- What do you think makes a great story? Having a storyline that doesn’t rely on gratuitous fluff to carry it. If I can’t be drawn in by the characters, see them evolve and develop, it’s not going to interest me and keep me through to the end.
- Which Writer/Authors inspire you? Louis L’Amour, Kathleen Woodiwiss (who my mom named me after), Barbara Davis, and many many more
- What are you working on at the moment?(optional) I’m finishing the last round of edits before sending my second ms to my publisher.
- What genre are your books? Historical Romance (pre-civil war)
- What drew you to the genre you write? There was a grace and elegance to the period that is missing in today’s society.
- Which Actor/Actress would you like to see portraying the lead character from your most recent book?(any book you like) for my WIP, a very good friend named Jade Stone. She’s not an actress, but she’s the image of the character.
- Do you write full-time or part-time? Full-time
- What is the hardest thing about writing? Convincing people that my tapping at keys with my ear-buds in means that I’m working and not to be disturbed unless the house is burning down around my ears. Also having the confidence that my writing is actually good enough to be published and read.
- Any tips on how to get through the dreaded Writer’s block? I’ve gotten stuck a few times. If walking away and doing something non-writing related doesn’t help, I start by saying, ok what has to happen now? Who is involved in making it happen? Where is it happening? When in the story line is this taking place? How do we get from point A to point B? Usually by the time I answer just the first few questions, I’m back writing again.
- Do you read much, and if so who are your favorite Authors or genres? I read just about everything, to be completely honest. I try to stay open to new things. For example, I’ve never been into gay romance, and was given a copy of Gen Ryan’s Fix You as a gift. I was pleasantly surprised at how it sucked me in. I didn’t want to see the story end.
- Is there anything else you would like to add that I haven’t included? My first book is on sale right now, on the ebook platforms, as a prep to my second book being approved for release by my publisher.
- How can Readers discover more about you and your work?(please provide proper links) www.alabamawordsmith.wixsite.com/home
twitter: @eykekathleen
Thank you very much for taking the time out of your busy schedule to take part in this interview 😊
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