When did you first realize you wanted to become a Writer/author?
I use to write all the time. I have some many journals locked away in storage. They go back to about 1996 when I was 9
Where do you get your ideas for your book?
Life. All my books have some truth to them. Whether it’s in my characters or situations, a bit of my real life always ends up in my writing.
What kind of things do you enjoy when not writing? I’m a buti yoga instructor, so when I’m not writing I’m teaching, or listening to music. If not you can catch me reading.
How many books have you written? Which is your favorite?
I’ve written three books. Two novels(Shattered and Into Pieces that are part of my Shattered Hearts series) and a poetry book (A Mind Seduction). Right now A Mind Seduction is my fave. I have a secret love affair with poetry. It gives me a little more freedom and you get to see a different side to me as a writer.
Do you have any suggestions to help others who have a passion for writing? Write it all down. Everything! Go back and edit later, just keep writing.
What do you think makes a great story?
The characters. Their realness to each other, or whatever is going on in the story. If your characters suck you have no story.
Which Writer/Authors inspire you?
J.R. Ward. I fan girl her so hard! She can put out a big with the word Sh*t written over and over again and I’ll be the first in line to pick it up and buy it. (I know, I know, horrible right?)
What are you working on at the moment?(optional)
I have like four projects going on, but the one that’s up front and center is the third book in my Shattered hearts series.
What genre are your books?
I hate putting my books in a category, but they fall under Romance.
What drew you to the genre you write?
I take from real life so whatever is going on in my life, or surrounding my life ends up in my books. I didn’t pick the genre, the genre picked me lol
Which Actor/Actress would you like to see portraying the lead character from your most recent book?(any book you like)
I dislike this question because I’m stuck on how I met your mother reruns and finishing Vamp Diaries, other than that I don’t watch tv so I never know who I would pick lol.
Do you write full-time or part-time?
part time- wish it was full time
What is the hardest thing about writing?
Trying to zero in on a direction. I have so many ideas it gets hard for me to focus on one of them.
Any tips on how to get through the dreaded Writer’s block?
Get up and get outside. You have to move!
Do you read much, and if so who are your favorite Authors or genres?
I use to read like six books a week now it’s only on my commute to work. I usually stick with paranormal or romantic suspense
Is there anything else you would like to add that I haven’t included?
How can Readers discovery more about you and your work?(please provide proper links)
Instagram: @_nicolebanks_
https://www.amazon.com/Nicole-Banks/e/B00BH2RG20/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1?qid=1489028365&sr=8-1 (Link for my books)
Thank you very much for taking the time out of your busy schedule to take part in this interview 😊
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