Tuesday, 7 March 2017

My Interview with Author K.L. Novitzke

1.            When did you first realize you wanted to become a Writer/author?
I was writing stories for years before I found a love for doing it. I don’t really know when or why I wanted to do it, there just got to be this need to get the ideas out of head.
2.            Where do you get your ideas for your book?
This is going to sound totally generic, but most of my ideas stem from a dream. Other ideas just come from determining what genre I want to try writing and brainstorming a bunch ideas until one sounds like it would be the most entertaining.
3.            What kind of things do you enjoy when not writing?
Reading and watching TV series. I’m an adult that loves young adult novels. To die for shows are Supernatural, Grimm, and Shadowhunters.
4.            How many books have you written? Which is your favorite?
I’ve written six completed books, but only one is published. The others can be found on my Wattpad page. Then there is the face that I have three incomplete work in progress novels.
5.            Do you have any suggestions to help others who have a passion for writing?
Write for yourself. There will always be haters, you never can impress everyone. Decide what is best for you when it comes to going into the publishing world. If you’re determined to get a publisher, hold out until you get that publisher. Don’t let anyone reader or otherwise pressure you to write or do something you’re not comfortable with. I lost a contract with a decent publisher, because I wanted my novel to be made into print. I kept asking, needing a straight answer yes with these guidelines or no. They took their contract back because I knew what I wanted and wasn’t desperate.
Don’t sell yourself short!
6.            What do you think makes a great story?
To me a great story has mystery and suspense. Where the characters are put through turmoil, but yet have a glimmer of some hope. I don’t always have to have a happy ending. Your heart getting ripped out and left wondering is just as good.
7.            Which Writer/Authors inspire you?
Another generic answer, but J.K. Rowling. I would die to be able to write a story a fraction as great as Harry Potter. There are other authors that I adore as well, such as: Laura Faria Stolarz, Cassandra Clare, Rachel Caine.
8.            What are you working on at the moment? (optional)
I’m working on a post-apocalyptic, urban fantasy, science fiction novel titled Elementals: Rising at the moment.
For seventeen year old Alexandra life took a turn for the worst when Earth was invaded by beings from outer space. Who they were remained a mystery but their plans for the planet and humankind was very clear. Conquer and destroy. Earth was dying and the human race was changing.
An unknown virus infected civilization, cities began to crumble, and supplies were running out. Nowhere and no one was safe.  Alexandra was one of many that became sick. She feared the worst, of becoming lost, a mindless puppet for the visitors like all those before her, but she woke up to something entirely different. Strange markings developed on her arm along with the unimaginable ability to control the elements.
But remaining in control of your mind and living with these gifts put a very big target on her back. Turns out the visitors didn’t want our planet, they wanted those with the possession of elements, they wanted the elementals.
9.            What genre are your books?
Most of my novels are paranormal romance, but I try my hand at a variety. I have some fantasy and thrillers as well.
10.          What drew you to the genre you write?
I write in the genres that I love to read.
11.          Which Actor/Actress would you like to see portraying the lead character from your most recent book? (any book you like)
Vampire Bride was always my most popular novel and is the one that is published. I always pictured Emilia Clarke as Charlie Preston and Taylor Kitsch as Maxwell Barnett.
12.          Do you write full-time or part-time?
I write part time, but like any author that writes part time, I would LOVE to write full time. Too many ideas and not enough time.
13.          What is the hardest thing about writing?
Connecting from point a to point b. It’s always easy to write the action packed parts but to write all the stuff in the middle takes lots of thought. To give your characters a personality that is inviting let alone to make several of them and give them a true purpose to the storyline, not just plopping them in there when it sounds good.
14.          Any tips on how to get through the dreaded Writer’s block?
For me when I get writer’s block I start working on another one of my stories. It helps get the brain to think about ideas and characters and plotlines even if they are two totally different genres.
Or I find just sitting down to read. Giving the brain a break from composing and just living out someone else’s world takes the stress out of being stuck.
15.          Do you read much, and if so who are your favorite Authors or genres?
I want to read more than I do. Before my kids I was reading a book a week…after my kids I’m lucky to read a book a month. There are too many authors to name, but the genres I stick too are young adult novels. Paranormal romance, horror, science fiction, fantasy…I’ll give anything a try!
16.          Is there anything else you would like to add that I haven’t included?
17.          How can Readers discover more about you and your work? (please provide proper links)
Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/user/KrystalBay (Stories that are not published can be found on here!)
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/blondedaydreams/ (novel inspiration boards)

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