Tuesday, 7 March 2017

My Interview with Author Amy Cecil

When did you first realize you wanted to become a Writer/author?

I started writing in the late summer of 2011 and my first novel, A Royal Disposition was published the end of May 2012.  Why did I start writing you ask? I guess I had a story to tell.

For as long as I can remember, I have always been an avid reader.  I like several different genres and when I find a new one, I become obsessed. In 2011, I discovered, really by accident, Jane Austen fan fiction (JAFF) and I was hooked. And, like I said, I had become obsessed.  I was reading two to three books a day.  It had gotten to the point that I felt that I was running out of JAFF to read.  When I had expressed this to my best friend and her two daughters, they all replied, in unison, “Write your own.”  Up until that point, I had never thought that I could be a writer.  But with their encouragement, and the support of my husband, I set out to write my first novel and A Royal Disposition was born.

Where do you get your ideas for your book?

I get ideas from just about anywhere.  But, my favorite idea generator is road trips.  I will see a road sign, billboard and it will peak my curiosity.  Sometimes, I will even make my husband stop at the place that is being advertised.  And somehow, the general idea from the story begins and I build on it.

What kind of things do you enjoy when not writing?

My husband is in the Air Force, so I spend a lot of time at home alone.  I work full-time for a home improvement company.  Also, I have three rescue dogs and a horse that keep me busy.  I enjoy other creative hobbies as well like painting and basket weaving.

How many books have you written? Which is your favorite?

I’ve written three and am currently working on the fourth.  The Knights of Silence MC series is my pride and joy.  It is my first attempt to write my own characters, develop them and subsequently fall in love with them.  And, it’s in a genre that is totally different than what I started in. It has bee a challenge for me and the result is a product that is all my own.   That makes me a very proud writer. The series right now is going to consist of four books, but who knows, that may change.  Ice, the first in the series was published in September.  I am currently working on book 2 in the series, Ice on Fire, and I am hoping on a spring 2017 release.

Do you have any suggestions to help others who have a passion for writing?

First of all, anything is possible.  If it’s a dream, pursue it and don’t give up.  But, remember to do your homework.  Plan to spend some money; you will be glad you did in the end.  Find a good editor and cover designer.  These aspects are so important and should be professionally done.  They are the first impressions your readers will have of your books.  An editor can make or break a book.  A good one will make you a better writer. Be sure to use the free resources available to you to promote your work, such as social media, Amazon and Goodreads to name a few.  There are so many out there.  Don’t get discouraged when you get a bad review.  You will not please everyone. It’s impossible.  Instead, if it is a constructive review, use it to your advantage.  And finally, make friends with other authors.  Learn from their experiences and don’t be afraid to ask for advice.  The number of authors that are more than willing to help you get your foot in the literary world would surprise you.

What do you think makes a great story?

There isn’t one thing.  I think an author needs a good basis to their story, well-developed characters and a back-story to build from for each character.  I also think that there needs to be some form of angst in the story, or you lose substance.

Which Writer/Authors inspire you? 

I’m a huge fan of J.K. Rowling.  I think her writing is phenomenal and her imagination is over the top.  What I would give to get inside her head.  It would definitely be a wild ride.

What are you working on at the moment?(optional)

I’m currently working on the second book in the Knights of Silence MC series, ICE on FIRE.

What genre are your books?

I write Romance, both historical and contemporary.

What drew you to the genre you write?

I started with historical romance, so I would have to say it was my love for Jane Austen that drew me to that genre.

Which Actor/Actress would you like to see portraying the lead character from your most recent book?(any book you like)

Well, I would love to see ICE made into a movie.  How awesome would that be?  And, hands down, Joe Manganiello would play the lead.  I wouldn’t care what it would cost; he is Caden “Ice”Jackson in my mind and always will be.

Do you write full-time or part-time?


What is the hardest thing about writing?

I would have to say overcoming writer’s block.  I know that sounds cliché, but it really does happen.  It puts you in a rut and your mind either wanders with hundreds of different ways the book can go next and you can’t pick one or it stops you dead in your tracks.  Either way is a struggle for me.

Any tips on how to get through the dreaded Writer’s block?

I’ve tried several different things, but what works best for me is to no force it.  I walk away, read something else, watch a movie or even go for a drive.  That always seems to help.

Do you read much, and if so who are your favorite Authors or genres?

The British classics have been a huge influence in my life.  Novels by Jane Austen, the Bronte sisters, Thomas Hardy and Charles Dickens I have read numerous times and will continue to do so.  They all have been mentors to me in one form or another. 

Is there anything else you would like to add that I haven’t included?

I don’t think so… Thanks so much!

How can Readers discovery more about you and your work?(please provide proper links)

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/novelideasbyamy/?ref=aymt_homepage_panel

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/5888015.Amy_Cecil

Twitter: https://twitter.com/acecil65

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/author/amycecil

Website: http://acecil65.wix.com/amycecil

Amy’s Amazing Street Girls:


Thank you very much for taking the time out of your busy schedule to take part in this interview 😊

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