Do you recall the first ever book/novel you read?
Yes it was the Harry Potter Series. Those books got me into reading and after that I was a book worm.
Do you read any of your own work?
Yes I do because it helps me get a new prospective on my story and writing.
How much of yourself do you put into your books?
I'd say I put a good amount of myself in my books. Sometimes it's planned and other times it just happens.
Have you ever incorporated something that happened to you in real life into your novels?
Yes. I sometimes loosly base characters off of my friends or people that I know. I will take events that have happened in my life and put them in to my stories. It's a great way for me to come to terms with something I'm dealing with in my life.
How do you see writing?
As a hobby or a passion
For me it's both. Writing has always been a passion of mine and it's also been a hobby as well. I really can't say which came first but for me it's both.
How did it feel when your first book got published?
It was a dream come true. I was so excited! I was bursting at the seams to tell my friends and family.
Although all books say that all the characters in the book aren’t real or related, but are they really all
fictional and made up?
For me yes my characters are made up but I do tend to base them off of people I know. They aren't exactly like the person more like a loose repisentation. However there are some charaters that I've created that are really are just made up and aren't based off of anyone.
Have you ever written a character based on the real you in some part?
Yes. Emmy the main character in my Shatter Me series is very much based off of me. She and I aren't 100% the same but we are pretty close. I didn't really plan it that way it just happened because when I started the first book I was going through some stuff and I just ended up pouring myself into the character.
Fiction or non-fiction? Which is easier?
For me fiction. I love writing fiction and escaping into another world. It's the same thing when I read. My taste in fiction is very broad and I love writing paranormal fiction. I love creating a world that's my own.
Had any of your literary teachers ever tell you growing up that you were going to become a published writer one day?
Yes. My English teacher in high school told me I was very talented at writing. Then in college my two English professors told me I was great at writing and they woudln't be surprised if I was pubblished one day. I've been told I'm orginal in my ideas and that my writing is great.
How possessive are you about your work?
I'm extremly possesive of my work. It's very important to me and call me selfish but I want the credit for my work becuase it's my dream and I've worked very hard at my writing.
How do you think concepts such as Kindle, and e-books have changed the present or future of reading?
I think e-books are great. Honestly I love that I can have tons of books on a divice and read them anytime and anywhere. Don't get me wrong I love the feel of a book in my hands. I even own some very old books that might even be antique. I think both print and e-books have their place and both serve a purpose. However I do see e-books taking over the reading world by storm becuase it's convient and much easier to have a book sent to your device then go to a store and get it or wait for it in the mail. I like both and I sitll love going into a book store. If I'm being honest lately I have been more on the e-book train because it is easy and when you have a crazy life easy is good.
If you were given a teaching opportunity, would you accept it?
Yes I think I would. I'm not an English major in fact my field of study is the medical field but I'd still do a class on liture. I think it would be fun.
Have you ever turned a dream or a nightmare into a written piece?
Oh yes! Dreams and nightmares inspire me when it comes to writing. Both play and have played a role in my writing.
Do you often project your own habits onto your characters?
Sometimes. If it fits the character I'm developing then yes but I don't force it if it doesn't work.
How big of a part does music play in creating your “zone”?
It plays a huge part in my "zone". Once in awhile I will write with no music but most of the time i have music on in the background and it fits whatever I think fits the story or what mood I'm trying to put into the story. I've totally heard a song and seen parts of my book play out in my mind. I even keep a list of songs that I feel relate to the story I'm writing. It's like a play list for that book.
Can you tell us about your current projects?
I'm working on countinuing the Shatter Me Series. Right now I have a plan for three spin off Novellas that tie into the story. One is a prequel and the other two go more in depth into some of the other characters relationships that is only breifly mentioned in the main series. I'm also working on a second and third book to follow up the orginal first book The Awakening. I'm not sure if I will come up with somethiing else to add to the series whether its another book or novella. As far as anything that doesn't have to do with the Shatter Me Series I can't really say I have anything started but that doesn't mean that there won't be in the future.
When did it dawn upon you that you wanted to be a writer?
I've been writing since a young age but I'd say I was in high school when I realized it was my dream. As a kid I always really creative and would make up all kinds of stories. I could just never play Barbies, no they all had to have a story like characters in a book and there had to be a plot. Needless to say the other kids would get mad at me. So I guess being a writer was something that has always been there, it's apart of me like a vital organ that I need to survive.
What inspires you to write?
Everything and anything. I draw inspiration from life experiences, dreams, nightmares, stories that I've heard that inspired a story in my head. I can tell you that there is always an idea bouncing around in my mind sometimes it makes it to paper other times it doesn't. Anything can be used to inspire a story.
How often do you write?
I try to write as much as I can. Writing is a great way for me to deal with things in my life whether they are good or bad. Since I've always got idea bouncing around in my head I'm pretty much always writing something.
Do you have a set schedule for writing, or are you one of those who write only when they feel inspired?
Yes and No. So when I'm working on a series I try to schedule time in each day to work on the current book in my series. However there are just times that inspiration hits and I have to get the words out of my head. Needless to say I can't sleep if I'm busting from the seems with inspiration so I have to write then and there.
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